Country name, two-letter country code (PL for Poland)
Austria |
AT |
Lithuania |
LT |
Belgium |
BE |
Luxembourg |
LU |
Bulgaria |
BG |
Latvia |
LV |
Croatia |
HR |
Malta |
MT |
Cyprus |
CY |
Germany |
DE |
Czech Republic |
CZ |
Poland |
PL |
Denmark |
DK |
Portugal |
PT |
Estonia |
EE |
Romania |
RO |
Finland |
FI |
Slovakia |
SK |
France |
FR |
Slovenia |
SI |
Greece |
GR |
Sweden |
SE |
Spain |
ES |
Hungary |
HU |
Netherlands |
NL |
United Kingdom |
GB |
Ireland |
IE |
Italy |
IT |
Country name, country code
Iceland |
IS |
Norway |
NO |
Liechtenstein |
LI |
Switzerland |
CH |
* A full list of two-letter codes of all countries in the world can be found at: world country codes.
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